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Sami Lange

Artist website


About the artist


Sami Lange lives and works in Northern California. She is a printmaker by training, but has recently mainly made works on paper and intimate sculptures. She focuses on the details of every day life and how the places she travels, relationships she nourishes, and choices she makes are interconnected. Her goal of balancing the demanding responsibilities of many roles is represented in her work by controlled chaos as well as by calm and sparks of joy.


As a tenured academic librarian teaching students how to navigate the field of information literacy, she finds repeated patterns in her research and work. Her works on paper are characterized by strong mark-making, painstaking focus and discipline, and detailed stitching which informs her small sculptures, in particular. The physicality of creating sculptures and the process of making drawings are closely connected; each informs the other and helps her make decisions in the studio.


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